Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Nap Time:)

After an afternoon walk and lunch with mama, Leuca loves to take naps.

This is how Leuca lays on her lounger for a nap.

She sleeps in the oddest positions like she is trying out new doga (yoga for dogs) moves. Quite adorable actually... wouldn't you agree?

Yes these pics were all taken in one nap time....probably within 5-15 minute intervals. LOL

Who sleeps like that? Only our dog Leuca of course:) lol

Leuca does not like to stick in one position when sleeping. She definitely like to strrr...etch. She probably slept about an hour and a half while I took a break to watch TV. Leuca woke up when she heard someone at the front door... my daughter, Amanda walked in. Leuca got up so excited to greet her.

Late in the evening about quarter to nine, Leuca wanted to play some more and tried to get our attention while sitting on the couch. She whined a little bit and then lay down on the floor to get some love. When we did not budge she moved to her lounger and lay there. She knew it was time to unwind. A few minutes later she was snoring.

By 9:30pm, Amanda takes her out for her out for her last stroll before bed and usually in bed by 10pm except on weekends...and that's an entirely different entry.

Live the moment!

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